Most people are surprised to be told that yaoi manga are, in fact, more often than not created by and read by women. Gay men usually prefer geicomi (gaycomics), one reason being that, in yaoi it is usually very clear who the seme is and who the uke, while in geicomi - and real life gay couples - the roles often tend to switch around...
But this post is to present my most beloved, my most prized, my best of the best and fuck all the rest (in any way you want) mangaka: Ayano Yamane-sensei!
I love her. Her artwork is the best I've yet seen, in any type of manga (whether yaoi or not). Very rarely is a mangaka good at drawing both people and background, but she does it - you talented woman, you!

And she, of course, created my favourite yaoi character: Asami Ryuuichi, the guy who made me start smoking. A very, very strong seme archetype, a ruthless, possessive, cold, sadistic bastard. How could I not identify? Meheheheh...

Asami is a character in The Finder Series (aka Viewfinder). Right now, due to this, copies in English are rare and the prices through the roof, but there are some negotiations to re-publish it with another company. You can find bits and pieces on YouTube, but most of the accounts that uploaded it are now suspended.
The story is very simple: young aspiring photographer Takaba Akihito meddles in the affairs of mafia-boss Asami and is...punished.

A Chinese Triad boss, Fei-Long - who is secretly in love with Asami - kidnaps Akihito to get back at Asami, since he thinks Asami betrayed him and killed his dad.
Asami goes to China to duke it out with Fei and get his (his, dammit!) Akihito back...
Okay, this is supposed to be an over-18 blog. So...

Are you all alive? Yeah? Cool.
Yamane-sensei is also the creator of Crimson Spell, an ongoing manga which I currently own. This one also has a clear-cut seme-uke relationship, between wizard Havi and prince Vald.

Vald is possessed by a curse of an evil sword and turns into a demon-beast full of bloodlust. Havi helps him look for a way to break the curse - and helps himself to the beast-Vald, while falling in love with the real Vald.

A lot of LOTR-style wandering and many funny moments, this has an admittedly thicker plot than Viewfinder.
Yamane-sensei has a huge body of work, doujinshi and other manga, find it here.
Ah, a last warning - in some yaoi manga, the actual penetration is hidden by the angle drawn, or by a thigh or by a shirt-flap or whatever. In others, the penis itself is rubbed out or blurry or something. Yamane-sensei's work is not like that. Not.
*temptation to post such a pic rising*
*temptation continues, damn my evil self*
Shit, you know me, I can never resist temptation. So, there.

*evil grin*
Anyway, just a note, all these pics come linkless, since the manga uploaders no longer exist. This is why most pics have awful quality - downloading takes a lot out... All art belongs to Ayano Yamane, 'course.